Poker Strategy Articles
Poker strategy articles for beginner to advanced levels of play.

Manage Your Poker Bankroll
Managing your bankroll is something all UK poker players should not need reminding about, but it is remarkable the number of times that players just dip into a higher stake level to get back some of the funds they lost at a previous table. Ironically, the worst thing that can happen is not that you […]
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Online Distractions When Playing Poker
Playing online poker requires the same amount of discipline and focus as if you were playing in a live event. Even the best online poker players will have bad sessions when they approach a game or tournament with the wrong attitude, and having too many distractions while playing online poker could do your bankroll more […]
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Re-Buy & Add-On Tournaments
Poker tournaments which follow the re-buy and add-on format tend to attract a lot of players on the basis of generous guarantees offered by the online poker rooms hosting the games. At the start of a game you may well find some of these tournaments very much undersubscribed, but due to late registrations and “second […]
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Loose Online Poker Cash Games
Looking for loose online poker cash games? Well look no further that the where the vast majority of players are there to try and luck their way to the World Series and seem to have little or no understanding of any strategy at all! The loosest of all games seem to be the no […]
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Poker ROI
You may have seen the term “ROI” and wondered what it possibly meant and how it reflected on your poker profitability. Poker ROI stands for “Return on Investment” and is most frequently used to calculate how well you are performing in Sit ´n´ Go tournaments. It is a personal gauge, and although freely available to […]
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The Pros and Cons of Late Registration
There is a growing popularity on many online poker sites to allow late registration after a multi table poker tournament has commenced. Sometimes this late registration can be up until the first break, and enables players to join a game when half of the original entrants may have already been eliminated. Inasmuch as this is […]
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Online Poker Table Selection
For a game in which profitability is heavily reliant on skill, it might seem a little crazy to suggest that one of the most influential factors that can affect that profitability is picking the right table to sit at. However, inasmuch as your choice of seat will have little control over the cards that are […]
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An Introduction to Multi-Tabling
Multi-tabling is the current buzzword in online poker. Playing multiple poker games at the same time has its advantages, but it can also lead you into difficulty if you get involved in too many difficult decisions at the same time. Inasmuch as you will be stacking up the bonuses and rakeback the more tables you […]
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Omaha Poker is a very different game from Texas Hold’em Poker in the respect that a greater emphasis is put on maths and outs in Omaha, and there are fewer opportunities to bluff your opponents. Nonetheless, Omaha Poker betting rules are much the same as you will find in the more popular version of poker, […]
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Dealing With a Hand Weakness
Players at all levels of poker have a weakness with a certain combination of cards in their hand. This is most noticeable when novice players get involved in hands that contain an ace with a low kicker, but can also apply to intermediate players who go ga-ga over pocket queens and even the great Phil […]
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